Profile Picture of Chris Lyons

My Web Portfolio

Professional Work


Privacyguard is a product I've contributed to quite heavily over the past 11 years. A large percentage of my best work involves responsive UI elements for the member dashboard and complex, responsive HTML emails.

My main role, however, has been maintaining the enrollment pages/forms. The enrollments live on a separate platform for which I am the lead developer. This work involves extensive form and input validation, as well as responsive layouts.

Fifth Third Identity Alert

Fifth Third Identity Alert is another product I've contributed to quite heavily over the past 11 years. Similarly, most of my best work involves responsive UI elements for the member dashboard and complex, responsive HTML emails.

I am also the lead developer for the enrollments for this product, but they are not public as the enrollments are invite-only for this client.


IdentitySecure is another product I've contributed to quite heavily over the past 11 years. Similarly, most of my best work involves responsive UI elements for the member dashboard and complex, responsive HTML emails.

I am also the lead developer for the enrollments for this product.

Personal Projects

BestPraxis is a website I recently developed with Astro (Opens in a New Tab) and launched on Netlify (Opens in a New Tab). This website is a static blog for web development tips and tricks.

From a technical standpoint, this website focuses on hand-crafted CSS (without libraries), accessibility, performance/page load speed, SEO, good design, and a lack of dependecies.

It also employs a well-crafted and dead-simple solution for light/dark mode that takes into account system preferences, but also persists a user's preference in localStorage. The favicon even swaps out depending on the OS settings - try it out!

Similar Artists

Similar Artists is a React (Opens in a New Tab)/TypeScript (Opens in a New Tab) project I put together and hosted on Netlify (Opens in a New Tab). This app allows you to enter a musical artist name and view similar artists with a gauge of how similar they are. Each simliar artist can also be selected to view their most similar artists.

Along with React and TypeScript, this project employs hand-crafted CSS without frameworks as well as utilizes AWS Lambda (Opens in a New Tab) via Netlify's serverless functions (Opens in a New Tab) to obfuscate API secret keys. This fully-frontend app consumes and visualizes the Music Discovery API (Opens in a New Tab).

Covid Dashboard

Covid Dashboard is a data visualization project I created with Vue.js (Opens in a New Tab), D3.js (Opens in a New Tab), and Chart.js (Opens in a New Tab) and hosted on Github Pages (Opens in a New Tab).

This project consumes data from the Covid Act Now API (Opens in a New Tab) and visualizes various metrics in interactive chloropleth maps, time-series charts, data grids, and sankey diagrams.

React Reasoning

React Reasoning is a small React (Opens in a New Tab)/TypeScript (Opens in a New Tab) project I put together and hosted on Github Pages (Opens in a New Tab).

This app provides insight into some of the terms and concepts surrounding deductive and inductive reasoning. It's intended to help one describe the quality of an argument given different scenarios. is an exciting new tech company that is disrupting the smart tech landscape. This landing page serves as the entry point to a new world of automation and comfort.

From a technical standpoint, this project was a means to explore dependency-free CSS, flexbox and grid, CSS transitions, CSS variables, the parallax effect, static hosting with Netlify (Opens in a New Tab), and Netlify Forms (Opens in a New Tab).